On this page you'll fine Dr. Sarah's most recommended resources online as well as in the Tampa Bay area!! Looking for something and can't find it? Please reach out + Dr. Sarah will do her best to help you find what you are searching for.
Prenatal Nutrition
Real Food For Pregnancy
Beef Liver Capsules
Magnesium Bicarbonate
Homeopathy Consult
Prenatal Movement
Prenatal Exercises
Pelvic Stability
Hip Openers
Spinal Mobility
Upper Body Strength
Core Engagement
Breath Work
Birth Prep
Postpartum/Motherhood Prep
Breastfeeding Course
Childbirth Education
Newborn Care Class
Healing timeline
The first 40 days
making sure to eat enough
Lactation Support
Importance of Bodywork in the first 48-72 hours of life
Common breastfeeding hurdles
Nourishing for milk supply
At home stretches for fascial release
The ins and outs of tongue, lip, and cheek ties
Asking for help
Building your tribe
How Chiropractic Really Works and why nervous system regulation has to be healed before addressing other root causes
Root Cause Medicine - how to help your body heal itself
The 8 essentials to a proper functioning nervous system
sleep digestion nourishment movement spiritual connection purpose tribe
What to do when you need more help - types of practitioners that you may want on your health team
Basic movements humans should do daily
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
Lactation Consultant
Birthing Centers
Holistic Primary Care
Holistic Urgent Care
Functional Medicine
breastfeeding course
functional movement course
root cause protocol (free)
somatic respiratory integration (free)
Exercise Playlists
Core + Breath
Upper Body Resistance Band Exercises