Holistic Chiropractic Care
Safety Harbor, Florida
Intuitive, heart-centered care for nervous system resilience + integration
Intuitive, heart-centered care for nervous system resilience + integration
Our approach is to support the body’s natural healing processes by optimizing nervous system function through structural alignment of the spine, craniosacral system, and myofascial network.
believe it or not, traditional chiropractic care was focused on the nervous system. It was only through the integration with the medical insurance model that chiropractic became known form more pain based conditions.
the main difference between our office and other offices is that we do not just focus on the spine. we recognize that the spine is nor the only system in the body that affects the nervous system. the craniosaral system and the myofascial networkare equally as important. it is often through integration of tnesion patterns in the cranioscral + myofsascial sstem that osseous (spinal) patterns often self resolve.
our goal is not for you to become reliant on chiropractic care but that chiropracic care would be a guidepost for your nervous system to remember how to unwind tension in your daily life.
Dr. Sarah Is trained to see anyone from birth through end of life.
She has built her practice by creating a strong presence in the birth communty, espeically around those who desire a more holisitc way of life, founded on living by our natural desing, supporting our bodies to heal themselves, and trusting our intuition.
While 80% of Dr. Sarah's practice is pregnancy + pediatrics, she does also see women who are not pregnant. She does see men who are related to current practice members.
toddlers + school age children
women's health, adults
670 2nd Street North, Suite A, Safety Harbor, Florida 34695, United States
Dr. Sarah is trained in pediatric adjusting techniques including craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, and is an International Board Certified Lactation Counselor (IBCLC). She works with many babies with digestive issues and difficulty with breastfeeding.
Dr. Sarah is certified in the Webster Technique for prenatal adjusting and has mentored with many experts in prenatal care from pelvic floor physical therapists to other renowned chiropractors. She is trained in spinning babies techniques for balancing the pelvis + incorporates functional movement education into her sessions.
The nervous system is the master control center of the body. When we experience chronic stress, the brain has a hard time shifting from fight/flight/freeze into rest/digest/recover/connect. By releasing tension from the spine, cranium, and craniosacral fascial network, we allow the body to function with greater ease and resiliency.
Dr. Sarah is trained in gentle techniques for kiddos that use light touch, in adjusting instrument, or a traditional manuaal adjustment that is adapted for kiddos. The adjustments are safe and effective. We help with poor posture, tongue tie tension, behavioral issues, poor sleep, constipation, difficulty concentrating, frequent illnesses
Dr. Sarah is trained in gentle techniques for kiddos that use light touch, in adjusting instrument, or a traditional manuaal adjustment that is adapted for kiddos. The adjustments are safe and effective. We help with poor posture, tongue tie tension, behavioral issues, poor sleep, constipation, difficulty concentrating, frequent illnesses, toe walking, retained reflexes, ear infections and much more.
It means we work with the innate intelligence of the human body + the central operating system, the nervous system, to return the body from a state of chaos + stress to one of peace, ease, and adaptability - where healing + mindful living occurs.
This is in opposition to mechanism where we view the body as a disconnected system of parts that can be manipulated and replaced.
I believe the intelligence that created your body is smarter than I am, and I work with that living force to help your body heal itself.
Dr. Sarah is trained in multiple techniques that seek to evaluate tension and compression patterns in the body that are impacting communication within the autonomic nervous system.
This is because the body is a bio-tensegrity structure, which means that the if one area of the body is compressed, another area is distorted. So, we don't only want to work on the compensating and symptomatic areas of the body, we want to find the root of where that is coming from.
Dr. Sarah is a board certified doctor of chiropractic and trained at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. She has been in practice since 2020. She has always had a passion for pregnacny and pediatrics and has continuously persued further education in these fields to better help her paients. When she is not in practice, you can find her sharing all about chiropractic on her instagram + attending various seminars.
Techniques that she commonly utilizes are: MC2, Torque Release Technique, Biogeometric Integration, Craniosacral, Webster Technique, and myofascial release.
While we are more focused on function instead fo feeling, we do recognize that symptoms are likely what has brought you here.
What if I told you that your body is intelligent? That the symptoms you experience are your body's way of communicating with you that something is out of place in your life or in your body? It's true.
Some symptoms are more surface level, the body has whispered and asked for help, and you have been quick to action. These symptoms typically improve more quickly and are unlikely to recur.
Some systems are held deeper in the body. The body has whispered and we may have been too busy or distracted or did not have the resources to listen to the body. These symptoms can change quickly but may resolve more care to full release the pattern so that they do not show up again.
We know that the body will hold onto things that It is not able to fully process and save the fragments of that experience for processing later. This means that through the healing journey, you may experience higher levels of communication from your body (more physical discomfort or emotional release, or resurfacing of past emotional stressors) or even a detoxification or clearing response (flu-like symptoms).
So what does this mean? This means that people will likely notice symptomatic improvement within 1-3 weeks, however it may take longer to fully uproot the dysfunctioanl tension/distortion pattern in the body that is causing those symptoms.
We also know that as we remove held stress and tension patterns from the body, the body is better able to adapt and recover, resulting in more optimal brain development, integration of primitive reflexes, faster recovery from injury, better immune system function, better sleep, less stress, and improved sense of overall well-being. This means that as you are better able to receive the message from your body and act on the whispers, you are able to live a more aligned life. This is what happens when people stick around with chiropractic care for longer than just the symptom relief period. The commit to 6-12 months of nervous system work and decreasing stress in their life to better function.
I support you wherever you are in this journey and hold space for your continuous evolution of self.
If you know you want to get started, click here to book in Tampa Heights or
click here to book in Tarpon Springs.
If you would like more information about the investment in care, see below for our financial policies.
Initial Visit
$250 for infants 0 -6m months
$185 for all other initial appointments (prenatal, older kiddos, adults)
follow up visits
$65 for follow up adjustment (includes spinal, cranial, myofascial)
$125 for extended follow up for additional time
family follow ups
$135 for 30 minute family visit
(extended visits available)
To provide a space of healing and community where people are encouraged and supported to connect deeply with themselves + each other so that they can experience the fullest expression of health and live out the life they were created for.
Dr. Sarah focuses on tonal, or nervous system focused care, which means that unlike many other chiropractors who focus on adjusting the spine to affect the muscles + nervous system, Dr. Sarah's approach is to evaluate where there is tension within the nervous system, so the body can release tension through the spine, muscles, and fascial sytem. Because the nervous system is the master control center of the body, this can have more effects beyond just pain relief. The goal of tonal chiropractic is not to reduce symptoms, but to support healing.
Dr. Sarah is a believer in root cause healing + she acknowledges and accepts that there are many "root causes" to dis-ease. Chiropractic helps to connect parts of you that your body has been unable to integrate. These disconnected parts of you affect the communication pathways between the brain and the body, creating static in the messaging signals + impacting your body's ability to heal.
We focus on foundational healing, meaning we provide education to support your body with the ingredients to create health. The ingredients In your life are physical, chemical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and environmental. By reconnecting with our human design, you can 10x the results you see in this office + truly change your health and life trajectory from one of symptom control, to truly thriving + living out your life's purpose.